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1 12 13 14 15 34 168
  • Vishera1 @ 2.9.2014
    Еще есть 200 от моего брата, есть желающие забрать? переведу гаранту я - он на мою победу, естественно)

    Пошло. Сегодня завтра переведу Хинту 500.
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • fduzsh, пошло-поехало)
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 1
  • Отправил 200 Хинту

    Мои 100$ вс 250$ AlexElizarov
    Мои 100$ вс 250$ АнтошаМультибарель
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • поставлю свои 200 вс ваших 500 на победу ТС.
    есть ещё желающие?
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • Перевел Хинту на Старзы 2800

    Участники, давайте не тянем тоже, чтоб в срок марафон начать
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 10
  • nikki_hefner @ 2.9.2014
    поставлю свои 200 вс ваших 500 на победу ТС.
    есть ещё желающие?

    снимаю своё предложение. прочитав этот пост подумал, что больше нет ограничения в числе столов.
    Ответить Цитировать
    + -6
  • nikki_hefner @ 2.9.2014
    снимаю своё предложение. прочитав этот пост подумал, что больше нет ограничения в числе столов.

    ограничение запрограммировано стразами, больше 4х столов зума одного лимита и вида не открывается.
    меньше 4х играть имею право
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 9
  • отправил 250$ на Фтп, ник начинается на p
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • Хинт небось уже вещички пакует
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 11
  • Neeel @ 2.9.2014
    Хинт небось уже вещички пакует

    не не пока с джипси по мазе не доберёт ни куда не поедет
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • http://ru.pokerstrategy.com/forum/thread.php?threadid=1010027&threadview=0&hilight=&hilightuser=0&page=1
    что-то нулевые реги нл25 фр творят чудеса:)
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • hiNt @ 1.9.2014
    кидайте баблошенько на WhatIsICM (ps) или paris_hilton 81 (ftp)

    200 с pzpm
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • bibika444 @ 2.9.2014
    что-то нулевые реги нл25 фр творят чудеса:)

    А самое главное никого не напрягает срач, поднявшийся уже по итогам. А все от того, что четко не определены правила.
    Напишут: форс-мажор - идите нахуй и все. Типа все правила. А потом начинается: может не ты играл, а вдруг не все руки прислал, а по какому времени считать и тд.
    Неужели сложно заплатить какому-нибудь фрилансеру-юристу 50 баксов за составление грамотного договора и играть спокойно?
    Каждый раз одна и тажа хуйня
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 2
  • Вот пример правил WCGRidera:

    The other thread has gotten very cluttered and so I wanted to post a new thread so that the final rules can be seen clearly.

    Also, I dont have quite enough action, so in order to generate more if a wagerer puts up 10k or more they receive 2:1 odds on their entire bet. This is available to everyone. Also once bets have been booked and escrowed they are final, so make sure you want to place your bet before sending the money. Also, new minimum to put up against me is $500, so if you wanted to wager before but couldnt now is your time(This is obviously at 5:2 tho).

    1) All tables will be $.1 and $.25 blind NL hold'em. Tables must be full ring (allowing for at least 9 players at a time) and must contain at least 6 playing opponents when WCGRider sits, but he may continue to play if the tables get short. Play must be at only PokerStars except in the event of a rare PokerStars outage (weekly server reboot on Tuesday morning of less than 30 minutes DOES count) or in the case of allegations by pokerstars that prevent him from playing. A maximum of 24 tables may be played at one time, and never two sites concurrently.

    2) Screennames on Full Tilt and PokerStars are WCGRider(FTP) and WCGRider(Pokerstars).

    3) No agents or friends nor friends of friends of WCGRider may sit as his tables and play abnormally so as to gain him extra money. Similarly, nobody betting against him nor their friendsagents may play unusually to screw him over. Due to how low of a level this bet is to take place at, wagerers may not play at these tables without asking pre-bet with valid evidence that NL 25 is a normal level. In the scenario where excessive opponents above or below the normal skill level of a nl 25 player attempt to change the game atmosphere by sitting in WCGRider's of his games, the panel of judge noted in rule 11, are to make a decision on the state of the bet and reasonable conduct to continue it.

    4) $10,000 must be won, after paying rake, and not counting rakeback or bonuses or full tilt points or money from anything other than the poker games described in #1. The money must be won in a pre-declared period of 31 consecutive calendar days, to start at midnight EST of a declared day and end exactly 31 days later, as detailed in #10 below. If $10,000 or more is won, and all other conditions are met, WCGRider wins. If $9,999.99 or less is won, or any other condition is not met by WCGRider, WCGRider loses. If at any time WCGRider claims to have made $10,000, he is to make the hands available to the wagerers directly from pokerstars with no ability to interfere on his end. The wagerers then have 72 hours to review the hand histories of the event. If wagerers accept the hand histories as valid evidence as to winning $10,000, WCGRider is to be shipped the winnings in total. If at any point WCGRider verifyably claims defeat, or the 31st day passes without breaking $10,000 in total winnings, then the winnings in their entirity are to be shipped to with parties betting against WCGRider. If any individual wagerer against WCGRider breaks the rules, they forfeit their wager but the rest of the wagers stand. If gross misconduct by wagerers is alleged by WCGRider (one person screwing with him on behalf of several others), three uninvolved and respected 2+2 members will be asked to adjudicate as noted in #11. The three members will be chosen prior the start of the bet, and are to be reputable 2+2 posters and preferable mods(In this bet all are mods.).

    5) WCGRider will provide hand histories as verification of winnings. The hand histories will be provided by changing the email address of the accounts (PokerStars and FullTilt if used in event of crash) to a predetermined email address outside of his control who will then email the sites for the month's worth of hand histories and cam then provide them to the public in an official manner that allows everyone to see hands played for a completely fair analysis of legit winnings. Microbob has been asked to be the party in charge of this.

    6) WCGRider will set up a webcam and maintain its functionality for the duration of the month. If the webcam is not working, the hands WCGRider plays do not count. However this rule is to be used within reason and in the context of an entire session [for example, 10 minutes into the session WCGRider becomes aware the webcam is not working. Upon fixing the webcam all hands played in the session count in their entirty.] However this rule is not the be abused and if WCGRider uses this unfairly to his advantage the panel will act on fair repercussions. The wagerers agree that WCGRider may have alternate webcam hosts set up in case one fails so that he can switch over quickly. The same person (who is actually WCGRider) must be visible on this webcam playing all of the hands during this wager. WCGRider must see to operation of this webcam in good faith, making sure the URL to view it is available in thread. The webcam is the most likely source of dispute in this wager. All parties are understanding that webcam technology and uptime is not perfect, which means that some wagerers may not be able to view at some times when others are, but also means that WCGRider may lose some of his 31 day time period due to webcam issues. This section is the most likely source of issue with this wager and all parties will attempt to give some leeway as a result in the interest of a successful, argument-free wager. All wagerers agree that they may not pursue a claim of breach of this condition by WCGRider unless by the agreement of wagerers representing at least $10,000 of action (to win $4000) against WCGRider. This prevents one poor loser from tying up the escrow funds longer than necessary.

    7) Phonevisual verification will be provided to the wagerers as followed Each wagerer is allowed one phonevisual verification per $1000 wagered. Each wagerer of at least $1000 will receive a phone number to a phone that can be answered while on the webcam. They may call the phone number at any time during the month up to the total number of phonevisual verifications they get, as long as WCGRider is playing. They will simply say two things identify themselves, and say a number from 0-1000. WCGRider will hang up and immediately type the number in chat in at least 4 tables as soon as possible (without timing out on hands). This works out to on average one phonevisual verification per day, and let's be honest they may not all be used. After phonevisual verification is used, wagerers are responsible for posting in the thread about the completionuse of the phonevisual verification within 60 minutes. Wagerers note well posting in thread about use of the verification is part of your obligation in this bet, and if you failed to do this WCGRider could claim you've forfeited your money and while nitty this would be technically correct.

    8) At the conclusion of the 31 days or in the event that WCGRider clears $10,000 winnings prior to this time, WCGRider will provide the ability to request hand histories via email immediately, and wagerers will request them within 12 hours. Wagerers will have 72 hours after initial receipt of the hand histories to review them.. After that time, if the wagerers agree that WCGRider has won, the escrower will transfer the money to WCGRider. If WCGRider does not claim victory within 12 hours of the end of the bet, the escrower will transfer the funds to the wagerers. If there is a dispute, all effort will be made to resolve it to the satisfaction of the escrower within 7 days.

    9) As part of the motivation for the wagerers may be entertainment, WCGRider agrees to provide daily-ish updates in thread as to his progress. Good faith effort to update at least every 24 hours is expected, but this condition will not be considered breached until WCGRider plays one hand when 72 or more hours have gone by without update. This means if he decides to take 4 days off for whatever reason, he doesn't have to provide daily updates as long as he gives us an update before he starts playing again.

    10) The 31 day period will begin at 1200.00 am EST on May 23rd, 2008 and end at 1159.59 pm EST on June 22, 2008. Hands to be included are determined by the official 'start time' of the hand as stamped on the hand history

    11) The panel of judges assembled to provide for a fairly evaluated bet in cause of accused misconduct consists of Microbob, Gildwulf, and nation. If wagerers representing up to $10,000 in action file a complaint to the panel, it is their responsibility to make a fair ruling within a 72 hour time frame and report it to both parties. The panel is primarily to be used in order to allow the bet to take its course in its entirty with minimum outside influence, and is only to award the bet to a given party in cases of extreme misconduct and a 3-0 without any doubt ruling. The merit of this bet is for WCGRider to play nl 25 for a complete month against the current skill level of the online nl 25 games and win 400 buyins ($10,000). The judges are to make rulings that allow for this to take place to the best of their ability and with minimal interference.

    12) If by chance an unforeseen situation arises and hinders WCGRider from playing to his full capacity, be it an evironmental disaster or a major technological setback (Such as major extended power outages, etc), judges will review the situation and arbitrate a just decision based on the arguments from both sides. This is ONLY to be used in cases of extreme circumstances and it is the burden of proof is on WCGRider, not the wagerers. Once the panel has made a ruling on the issue, the decision is final.

    Разница есть?
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 9
  • Kamski, ссылка непосредственно в посте. кликабельная. но вот тебе еще одна
    (тут нужно нажать на слово "одна")

    lolokaka2807, все просто приссали нехуйски. не дай бог парень в плюс сыграет. я еще удивлен, что вы его не заставили часы в руке держать. на весу перед камерой. а брата его не заставили на заднем фоне свежий выпуск ньюйорк тайм вслух читать.
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 13
  • Skazo4nik777 @ 2.9.2014
    Пошло. Сегодня завтра переведу Хинту 500.

    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • Vishera1 @ 2.9.2014
    Еще есть 200 от моего брата, есть желающие забрать? переведу гаранту я - он на мою победу, естественно)

    Если еще не забрали, добавь меня в список. Поставлю 500 против 200. Напиши в личку плз, не успеваю следить за экшеном в теме
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • Ставящие на победу ТСа недооценивают количество имеющихся рисков.
    Например, риск прерывания трансляции вкупе с анонимностью и неизвестностью ТСа, поставят под вопрос честность мероприятия с последующим бурлением говн, которые негативно скажутся на игре ТСа.
    Или же другой риск, физическая неготовность ТСа к ежедневным 15ти часовым баталиям, которая на 15-20й день выльется в отрицательное качество игры, тильт и тд, что в итоге поставит под вопрос выполнения пункта о профитности марафона.

    Всем разума в головы, братья.
    Где-то кроется подвох.
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • Абстрагированный @ 2.9.2014
    Или же другой риск, физическая неготовность ТСа к ежедневным 15ти часовым баталиям, которая на 15-20й день выльется в отрицательное качество игры

    Есть версия, на третьем)))
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 0
  • 500 (моих) к 2500 (ваших), на то, что марафон закончится в первые 10 дней.
    Ответить Цитировать
    + 1
1 12 13 14 15 34 168
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